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Yankees Need A Return To Their Roots posted on 12/24/2008
Accusing New York of buying a team might be a bit of an understatement. I say this as a firm defender of the Yankees and as a fan. These off-season pick-ups should be despairing moves for long-time fans, because New York has overpaid time and time again for big-name players that never live up to their name. Giambi turned his contract into a hospice stay, A-Rod's bat goes flaccid in the post-season, and Johnny Damon's effectiveness was swept off of a barbershop floor. Billionaires just don't have very good eyes for ballplayers. CC "More Stuffing Please" Sabathia is looking at possible back problems a la David Wells, AJ Burnett is going to need a rehab session after clubbing in New York, and Mark Teixeira, mark my words, will pull his hamstring within two weeks of opening day.
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Ex-Warrior Matt Barnes Throwing Down With Houston posted on 11/16/2008
Look at Nash just DIVING into the fray for no reason. Matt Barnes checks a hard foul into Rafer Alston, he takes offense, charges him, and then you've got Shaq marching in and bouncing violent offenders. Ridiculous? Absolutely. But as a Warriors fan, it was a lot of fun having Barnes to hold down some thug living on the court when it was necessary. Obviously, the suspensions flew liberally after all of this.
Remember when players got to duke it out? Those games were awesome. Just think how evenly matched and excellent a brawl would be between Phoenix and Houston. Shaq would blow out a knee bashing it into the jaws of his enemies, and Steve Nash would pull some crazy hockey slams on anyone in his path. Now assistant coaches and out-of-uniform players restrain any and all violence.
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Iverson-less Nuggets Get Slammed by Warriors 111-101 posted on 11/06/2008
As a California transplant living in Denver, the match-up in the Western Conference between the Nuggets and the Golden State Warriors is arguably the one I watch the closest. Maybe it was because it was the first big game on national TV, perhaps it was because Allen Iverson is leaving for Detroit but Chauncey Billups isn't quite available for the Nuggets yet, or maybe (just maybe...), the Warriors made a triumphant return to the guerrilla-style hit-and-run basketball that has been so prevolent over the last few years. Sure, there's still issues with Al Harington demanding a trade (get RID of this guy, he's bumming everyone out and his shot average has gone down significantly), Monta still isn't back, but this is a solid team that is going to compete.
That Grizzlies loss really must have fired up the Dubs, because apart from a sluggish, seemingly hopeless start, they just trounced a fractured Nuggets team. Vegas odds put the Warriors winning by 3, which makes it easy to imagine sure bets on a lot of these match ups this year (this was 1 of 3 this year, not counting potential playoff match ups). Even with the addition of Billups on probably GSs' biggest rival Denver's roster, the Warriors won't let up against this squad in the second-half post-Monta's return.
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Frusterating Nailbiter With Hornets Proves GSW Still Has Surprises posted on 10/30/2008
Part of being a fan of the Warriors is dealing with heartbreakingly narrow losses and aggrivating lead switches. Any NBA fan knows that once you stick to a team, there is a certain amount of sleep to lose over it. Tonight was another one of those nights where perhaps pessimism had most fans not expecting what the Dubs ended up putting out; and once everyone was out of their seats for a season-opener win, Chris Paul and the Hornets swarmed back in to beat Golden State 108-105.
This is encouraging for Warriors fans. New Orleans was the first NBA team in six years to get through the preseason undefeated. Chris Paul is dominating as usual, tonight putting up 21 points and 11 assists. David West had 24 points as well, so it's pretty obvious that New Orleans were on their game tonight. On the flipside, Corey Maggette scored 27 points in his Warriors debut, which is nothing but exciting. I miss Baron Davis, especially on a night like tonight, just as much as any fan, but if Maggette can throw down as well as he did tonight, especially once Monta is back, there's going to be some dangerous offense on this club.
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October 29th, Opening Night - Please Not Another '07 Start posted on 10/26/2008
thanks tony.psd for the sweet poster!
It has been a rough off season for Golden State Warriors fans. Baron Davis left the Bay for Los Angelas' lesser team, Monta Ellis and CJ Watson are out for next week's season opener, and we're all still reeling from having a 48-34 season and not making the playoffs. Narrowly, the Dubs missed a chance at history two years in a row by tanking at the end of the year and narrowly failing to win 50 games; thus becoming the first team to win 50 games and not make the playoffs.
It hasn't all been bad: GSW did well at the draft and picked up Anthony Randolph out of LSU, and signed Corey Maggette to a lucrative 5-year deal. Ronny Turiaf came over from the Lakers and Marcus Williams was traded from New Jersey for a future first round draft pick. Monta and Biedrins both got resigned for six more years for figures in the $60 millions, and we've still got Azubuike. Richard Hendrix, a second round draft pick, is also rounding out the '08-'09 squad.
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